Classroom/Conference Room
The Centre has a classroom/conference room. It has seating for up to 40 students and is equipped with a digital projector and screen. The Centre has an interactive microscope that can be used here.

Our Aquarium area is a valuable learning resource with live exhibits of estuarine and freshwater and reef species including our own resident crocodile. There is a touch tank and an interactive microscope. Entry is only permissible under the instruction of HBEEC staff.
High Ropes
The Centre has a comprehensive high ropes course. A valuable tool in developing students self esteem, resilience and teambuilding skills.
The course can only be accessed under the instruction of Holloways Beach Environmental Education Centre (HBEEC) staff.

The amenities building has a shower and four toilets for the girls and a shower, urinal and two toilets for the boys and a disabled toilet room.
There is also an adult amenities building located behind the admin block with a male toilets and shower, female toilets and sho wer and a disabled toilet and shower room.

Undercover area

Yarning circle

The Centre has an oval area and visiting schools must bring own recreational gear.

Volleyball court

The Centre is situated on 10 hectares of littoral and mangrove forests with beachfront access.
The Centre has beachfront access to Holloways Beach. Swimming is permissible in front of the Centre during non-stinger season. In stinger season the stinger net is a 20 minute walk and is patrolled by Surf Lifesaving.

The Centre has walking tracks traversing surrounding bushland which are mapped suitable for navigation exercises and perfect for studying the areas unique biodiversity.

Fire place